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Rolli Days 2022

In 2022 Genoa celebrates an extraordinary season, the peak of its history and artistic life. The Rolli Days take us on this journey through the streets of the Baroque, to see with our own eyes how the families of the Genoese aristocracy lived, where they kept their paintings and sculptures and how they wanted to be represented. Discovering the Genoese palaces, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2006, we immerse ourselves in the world in which the many splendid works of art still visible in the city today were born.

Also in May 2022, in fact, we will be able to enter dozens of palaces, villas, and churches: mirrors of the refinement, culture, but also of the enormous wealth of Baroque Genoa; magnificent settings, sacred and profane, in the historic centre or outside the city, united by the beauty and infallible taste of their patrons.

The visits will take place in complete safety and guided by the expertise of professional Scientific Divulators, who will tell us about the beauty, the stories and the protagonists of one of the queen cities of the Mediterranean.

Bookings will be open from 2 May 2022


13 - 15 05 2022


All Day

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Rolli Days 2022
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